RADDA in CHIANTI (ITALY-Tuscany) 31 October – 2 November INnTAnGO! C.Petitto, N.Vacca, Punto y Branca
'Vacanze Tango - TangHolidays' todance-nc/lrvXPQ4s@public.gmane.org [tangoinpoland]
2014-09-23 06:21:11 UTC
Cult. Ass. 'Vacanze Tango - TangHolidays'.

RADDA in CHIANTI (Tuscany - Siena) 31 October – 2 November 2014

Wine&TAnGO! The 4-star CDH HOTEL RADDA****, built with Siena bricks and the renowned terracotta floor, stands at the heart of the Chianti area, the ideal place to start visiting Tuscany. It is surrounded by sweet hills, full of vintage grapes and covered by flourishing vineyards, cradle of the Consorzio Chianti Classico.
3 days of classes at all dancing levels. The class schedule will be sent via email.
2 dancing nights, one of them being the Gala night featuring the Maestros' performances.
Euro 270.00.
The package includes: Half-board accommodation, including beverages, wellness centre and swimming pools, tango stage and dancing nights.
Last rooms available.
Shuttle bus from Florence roundtrip reservation.
Cristiàn Petitto y Nayla Vacca
Punto y Branca.

Upcoming TAnGO events and more
RADDA in CHIANTI (Tuscany - Siena) 31 October – 2 November 2014, Wine&TAnGO
BOARIO TERME (Lombardy - Brescia) 5 – 8 December 2014, Spas&Tango
ASSISI (Umbria - Perugia) 31/12/2014 – 2/1/2015, New YearTAnGO
PINZOLO (Trentino Alto Adige - Trento) 7 - 14 February 2015, Snow&TAngo

Info, fees, Maestros, Musicalizadores available on the Websites listed in the signature below.

Holidays PICS/VIDEOS since 2003!
http://www.tango-argentino.org/vacanza.html <http://www.tango-argentino.org/vacanza.html> (scroll with the bar right up to the bottom of the page)

https://www.facebook.com/vacanzetango.tangholidays?ref=tn_tnmn <https://www.facebook.com/vacanzetango.tangholidays?ref=tn_tnmn>
https://www.facebook.com/vacanzetangholidays.tango <https://www.facebook.com/vacanzetangholidays.tango>

FAN Page
https://www.facebook.com/pages/VacanzeTangoTangholidays/294914123902540?ref=hl <https://www.facebook.com/pages/VacanzeTangoTangholidays/294914123902540?ref=hl>

ONE-THOUSAND-MILES... Holiday Discount.
Each newly signed-up couple of friends will gain you 1 point.
Each holiday you attend will gain you 1 point.
10 points will entitle you to a HOLIDAY DISCOUNT Voucher. More details available on our Website.

See you in the near future and have a lovely week!

Carla Terlizzi
website: www.tango-argentino.org <http://www.tango-argentino.org/>
www.vacanzetango-argentino.org <http://www.vacanzetango-argentino.org/>
email: info-4bxI1n57cIxqe+I5hW01xUB+***@public.gmane.org <mailto:info-4bxI1n57cIxqe+I5hW01xUB+***@public.gmane.org>
todance-nc/***@public.gmane.org <mailto:todance-nc/***@public.gmane.org>
Cult. Ass. 'Vacanze Tango - TangHolidays'
R.E.A 1085199, P.I./C.F. 08255921002
Mobile +39 333.2593127
